Network Related Problem


Aug 30, 2013
At first I was experiencing unusually huge amount of ping while laying CS (300ms!!). I checked my IP address and found that it was diffenrent than the usual. My usual IPs are in the form 124.125.18.xx but it is now. So I have a dynamic IP which changes every 2 hrs. The lease expiration time was 5 minutes away but then I showed how big of a fool I am and disabled and re-enabled my connection *facepalm*. Now the lease has still got 1.5 hrs to expire and I have to do important work.

So, I wanted to ask you if their was a way I could change my lease expiration time...
To the best of my knowledge, the DHCP server controls the lease time. You should be able to call up your ISP and request a new IP based on the connection problems.