PC gaming or console?


Sep 1, 2013
Hello, I need some help making a decision and I need your guys opinions. I have played console my whole life and just within the last year started playing a mix of both PC and console. The new Xbox One is coming out soon and I need some help deciding if I should upgrade my PC to be a beast and run all games on ultra 1080p and completely switch to PC or buy the Xbox One. I can only do one because I need the money to either go to a Xbox or PC. My current PC is a AMD Radeon 7850, AMD A8 5500 APU, and 8GB stock ram. It is definitely not the ideal beast gaming PC because my CPU sucks and the GPU is a mid tier card. My "beast" gaming PC I would make with the money and some would conclude of a
AMD Radeon Sapphire 7970 3GB DDR5
8GB Corsair Vengeance Ram
i5 4670k 3.4 GHz
Corsair 500r case
Corsair TX 650
Asus Z87-C LGA 1150 MoBo
That is all the main gaming parts.
I love the community on PC much more because the maturity level is way higher and there is a much wider variety of games on PC, also we all love that feeling of bumping up those settings to ultra and knowing we can run it like that. So should I stay with consoles, the system I've been with my whole life? Or fully convert to PC gaming and follow up with my build listed above?
The build that you chose looks great.
The choice between going on consoles or PC is yours, but remember that PCs that aren't even that powerful can still outperform consoles. Even your actual PC outperforms actual consoles. Those are run on 480 to 720p. Might be a closer fight vs upcoming ones though, as they're going to be 1080p, but you're probably not that far behind. Consoles usually don't play games on any kind of high settings. Usually medium-high. And your rig can definitively play, at least, actual games on medium, at 1080p.
The build that you chose looks great.
The choice between going on consoles or PC is yours, but remember that PCs that aren't even that powerful can still outperform consoles. Even your actual PC outperforms actual consoles. Those are run on 480 to 720p. Might be a closer fight vs upcoming ones though, as they're going to be 1080p, but you're probably not that far behind. Consoles usually don't play games on any kind of high settings. Usually medium-high. And your rig can definitively play, at least, actual games on medium, at 1080p.


Sep 1, 2013

Yes, I just love the eye candy of playing on high-ultra settings and making sure my PC is future proof, and I play on 1080p. I am leaning towards the PC side. Ever since I made my first and current build I have liked it more than consoles. Another upside is no trickshot 12 year olds on Call of Duty running their mouths all game.


Use this website: http://pcpartpicker.com/ for an easy build and cheapest prices. Also if you buy a CPU cooler you can overclock the system, which is pretty much the point of the k series. Also the PC community is a lot more mature than the console community, however there's always those few people. I prefer to game on the PC because not only can I game with much better graphics than a console, but also for the fact that it can do everything a normal computer can do super fast.

Also I can put together a build for that PC for, and save you a lot of money, but I can't do it today as currently I have a lot of schoolwork.

Also your build can play any game maxed out, overclocked
Hope this helped :)
Your build looks good and with the Haswell Processor you will be good to go for awhile. I don't have an Xbox but do have a PS2 & PS3. I do not intend to get a PS4. I have played Fallout: New Vegas on both the PS3 and PC and enoyed it more on the PC. It looked a lot better and everything.


Sep 1, 2013

Yeah, I have never been a big fan of the Fallout series due to weapons breaking. It gets quite annoying! But I can imagine it looks great on ultra settings!



don't forget to put it together on the site I posted if you want to save time and money

It does and Skyrim is fantastic. With the GTX 680 I have in there, Distance is not a problem and will be the same with the 7970. Yeah, those busted weapons can be a pain.


Sep 1, 2013

Yes, I play Skyrim on my 7850 with an ultra high res texture pack and I love it. Beats console by a ton