A question regarding cases and watercooling


Sep 8, 2013
hey all: i am planning on building (my first) a pc with a 1500 to $2000 budget. i have a pretty good idea of the components i want as this will be used for video and photo editing projects (not professional) and some gaming. I want to give a go at watercooling the CPU. my son who knows a fair amount more than i do will help me but he will be flying in from out of town to help me do the build when i assemble all the parts. i want a full size case unless the forum feels there is a good midsize option. i looked at the corsair 100i unit. as a watercooler. what i don't want to happen is that i order a case that won't work at worst or at best has to be modified in some way to fit the watercooler. i trolled some of the threads regarding this issue but i am still a bit confused. any suggestions would be most appreciated.