i5 3570 or i5 2500 for budget gaming upgrade

Jul 28, 2013
Right now Frys electronics is pretty much liquidating sandy bridge processors, 75$ for the i5 2500k http://www.frys.com/product/6487382?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG and just $165 for the i7 2600k http://www.frys.com/product/6487392?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG. I was wondering what are your opinions if I just want to upgrade my home built pc for gaming on a budget (ivy bridge is still full price) and would it be substantial enough if I pair it with a 7850, and witch one would be the better option for the future.

My motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813121753

Its an H61 and I don't know if I can overclock, but would it be fast enough to utilize both the planned gpu and cpu. And if it can overclock can you tell me.

P.S. gonna get a better psu to run the gpu.

Intel celeron g540
Intel DH61BF
4gb ddr3 1333
gtx 610
300W psu
50gb HDD
for $75 take the 2500k, thats an awesome deal, get it before they are gone! they are still a fast cpu even when not OC'd. you would be better off spending less to get the 2500k and spend more on the gpu, than to get the 2600k and have less to spend on a gpu. you would have to upgrade your motherboard to OC unfortunately. The 2500k is on par with the 2600k in 95% of games.
for $75 take the 2500k, thats an awesome deal, get it before they are gone! they are still a fast cpu even when not OC'd. you would be better off spending less to get the 2500k and spend more on the gpu, than to get the 2600k and have less to spend on a gpu. you would have to upgrade your motherboard to OC unfortunately. The 2500k is on par with the 2600k in 95% of games.