sli gtx 660ti 2gb or buy gtx 760 4gb for dual monitors

Hannibal Evony

Sep 17, 2013
I currently own 1 gtx 660ti 2gb and i would like to start dual and maybe triple monitors so would i be better off with sli gtx 660ti 2gb or buying one gtx 760 4gb and maybe but not for a while sli two 760 4gb. Not a for sure thing tho with the sli 760 or not?
A very careful review of the Nvidia GTX 670 was done and the result was you needed at least three 670's before over 2GB of RAM could be used effectively. What that means, is that even with dual SLI 670's (which are about as powerful as the 760's) by the time you were using over 2GB of RAM, the FPS was under 20 so it wasn't really useful.

For triple monitors, you need powerful dual cards or three moderate cards, at 4GB.
A very careful review of the Nvidia GTX 670 was done and the result was you needed at least three 670's before over 2GB of RAM could be used effectively. What that means, is that even with dual SLI 670's (which are about as powerful as the 760's) by the time you were using over 2GB of RAM, the FPS was under 20 so it wasn't really useful.

For triple monitors, you need powerful dual cards or three moderate cards, at 4GB.

John Bauer

Jul 16, 2013

760's in a 2 way SLI have been benchmarked with the same stats as a Titan.

Not to mention a 660Ti SLI also rivaled a Titan. (In a couple benchmarks...)


2x 660ti are definitely much faster then 1x 760.

Going from a 660ti to a 760 makes almost no real difference.

I use 2 660tis and I get the same, if not better performance then a 780.

I would say its best to sli the 660tis, then in the future, upgrade to the next-gen NVidia cards.