I want to learn - where to start with the basics?


Sep 22, 2010
I'd like to study how PC components work as a project over the next few months. There are so many variables - any advice or links where I can start?

I want to start with CPUs and I'll tackle Intel first. I see there is a basic hierarchy of i3 to i5 to i7 but it looks like it is not that simple. There are multiple versions of the i3, in some cases an i5 might be better than an i7, etc

I want to dig in, take my time, and REALLY understand the CPU. Then I can dig into motherboards, GPUs, PSUs.

I'd like to emerge with a deeper understanding of how it all works. But dang if I can find s clear guide to even start with.

If you had to learn this all over again, where would you start?

Thanks tor any advice.



Sep 22, 2010

I cannot believe I did not go to Wiki. Those articles were perfect. Once I read them I read the Wiki's on the development of the AMD and Intel architecture's over time. For the first time I understand the difference between and Ivy Bridge and a Sandy Bridge, why there are 20 kinds of i3s, and why an Ivy Bridge i5 is different from an Ivy Bridge Pentium.


Kinda sad that the Intel and AMD sites do not make it this clear, isn't it? Anyways, I am off to motherboards.