GeForce GTX 660 Graphics Card?

Tyler Pickering

Sep 30, 2013
I am building a new PC that I want to last for a year and want to know how the GTX 660 will perform...I am getting an i7 4th gen processor with Intel HD graphics or whatever, but want to update to a real card.

The one I'm looking at is $180 after rebate:

The 670 appears to be considerably better based on benchmarks, but the cheapest one I could find is $305, quite a bit more than $180

Does anyone know of a better graphics card than the 660 at close to the same price? $180 - $210 range?

Would it be worth it to deal with the integrated graphics til Thanksgiving and hope for a good black friday sale?

I don't want to get the 660 if it's going to be outdated very soon.

should say I use a 660 most of the time without any problems while using an Intel processor.... if you look at newegg's latest email special ( see site ) they have a 7870 for $149 after $20 rebate.

if you want 670 performance, save a little money and buy the card you really want. you'll be happier.