Processor Thermal trip

Prachurjya Konwar

Oct 4, 2013

My system had been running quite normal for about 3 years and now it keeps giving me this error. The CPU temp is around 39'C and the motherboard temp is around 87-90'C. When I start it in safe mode it does not give me this issue but when I try to load in normal windows 7 it may shutdown after a few secs or maybe a few mins. Fan speed is around 937 rpm , which should be ok i guess. Had cleaned the fan on the heat sink and all clips are in good condition. I have not tried trying it out with a new PSU. Please help!!!!! Intel core 2 duo DG31PR, Intel Motherboard and 2 system fans, no graphics card, 1TB HD, and 6GB Memory---and the thermal trip has happened atleast 18 times in 2 months.
Your motherboard temp is crazy high, is that your motherboard socket temp, or the actual board temp? no wonder it's giving you an error, you could cook an egg on that.