Laptop unable to renew ip configuration.



I am unable to connect to the internet on my laptop. I can connect to the network with excellent signal strength, but I cannot access any webpages. I have tried various methods to fix this, but most command prompt commands do not work and result with a failure to reset the IP and etc..

I am running windows 8.

Any suggestions from some networking pros?
IP address in the same range as router? 192.168.x.x

Gateway and DNS pointing to the routers IP?

Open command prompt as admin and run command ipconfig /flushdns


I tried that command, did not w
I believe it was my school's wifi settings, proxy etc.. Screwed it up. I am isntalling windows 7 (was windows 8) something I have wanted to do, and now after a couple of hours messing with it, I feel like I am getting revenge :p