Random Decision To Upgrade Ancient PC (EMachines T5274)


Aug 2, 2013
Hey guys, the title really says it all, I already have a nice computer Ive built recently however this old computer that has been gathering dust for a few years has recently been hooked up to a big screen (Mainly just for browsing the web on the couch and such) and so I was wondering if there were any upgrades I could make to it without removing the mobo, such as a graphics card (if there are any old ones even compatible with it) or a larger amount of RAM. I know that it's not even going to be great after the upgrade but this is mainly just a cheap "just for fun" type of thing. Sooo yeah, weird question I know but thanks in advance to those who help :) (I mainly want to see if I can upgrade the processor, maybe put in a cheap gfx card if possible, and bump up the RAM to at least 4 gigs hopefully eight)

PS: I have no idea if any of these options are even possible but hey I mean it's worth a shot to ask and see if anyone knows, I'm not looking for someone to say "It's cheaper to just make a new pc" since this isn't what that is about I just want to switch things up a little with an ancient computer haha

Budget: Max of 200 bucks, preferably below 150 or 100

The PC : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883114063
If you take a look at your computers specs the most amount of memory you can apply to the computer is 2 gigabytes. The only thing I can think of to give your computer a little more of a boost would be a SSD.


Aug 2, 2013

Yeah I just saw that right before you posted, thanks man. Picking as the best solution just so nobody else answers to my dumb question :)