Prime95 Constant Crashing.


Oct 11, 2013
Im running an I7 3970x with an ASUS P9X79 PRO mother8oard, I had safely overclocked it to 4.6 GHZ (CPU), 8ut just recently I had a Watchdog Timeout 8lue screen of death error while playing 8attlefield 3. I decided to do a 8enchmark and then a Prime95 Torture Test. The Heaven 8enchmark went smoothly for the whole time I ran it, 8ut the Prime95 test crashed and 8SOD'd my PC with the same Timeout message after a8out 5 minutes of testing, I had made sure to dedicate 90% of my RAM to the test, and I wasn't running any unnecessary processes save for a temperature monitor, CPUID OC edition, and Prime 95 (Duh).

Could this 8e caused 8y voltage? If so, how do I increase it to get it to remain sta8le?

Could this 8e a Hardware failure? How do I make sure?

I guess im just in a 8it of confusion, I checked all of my drivers and 8IOS updates, everything is normal.

After I was done testing, I restored the ASUS recommended settings in the 8ios, CPU is now at stock 3.5 clock.

P.S, No, my second letter of the alpha8et key is not 8roken.

To be honest if you don't know how to increase the Vcore then you should really be reading some overclocking guides.

Search the web, there are plently of X79 overclocking guides which will help you.