recovery data from harddrive


Nov 30, 2012

If you install testdisk onto your mint install medium you can recover most if not all of you files. The only things lost will be where Mint installed its files and that is only a small amount of space.

After installing run in a terminal
sudo testdisk
keep hitting enter to accept default option (assuming you only have one hard drive) until you get to where you see the "lost" windows partition and hit P to list files. You should now see your old file structure and simply navigate to the folders and files you want to recover and save them to another drive. You could save them to the existing drive except you risk overwriting something that you want to save so it's best to put them onto another drive. Also, if you had two partitions before, one for windows and another for your files then there is a good chance you can just un-delete the one with the files on it. Instead of selecting P to list files you could select the partition with your files and there should be a D in front of it for deleted, change it to P by using the arrow keys to undelete it.

If that doesn't get it for you then
sudo photorec
select the file extensions that you want saved or all of them if you have time and space and let er rip.

I prefer testdisk first because it doesn't rename files like photorec does but it will fail where photorec doesn't.