What's the highest resolution monitor setup at the moment? How many monitors?



should be possible, that would be 6 monitors actually and radeons can do 6 if the card has the right outputs on it (DPs)

I remember reading somewhere that they conducted a study of how TV/monitors effect vision over time. It basically concluded that sitting in front of a monitor or TV for long periods of time(and being really close) didn't have any kind of long term negative effects but would increase eye strain for the time being. So the old wives tale of sitting in front of the TV would make your eyes bad is more myth than anything but you may experience eye strain quicker which could lead to headaches. It's always good to keep a safe distance and take breaks every so often to give your eyes a chance to rest.

Jesse Jukic

Jan 15, 2014

Not your eyes, but your neck! I have a 1080p 3x3 setup