Is it worth it to change from 5670x1080 to 2560x1440?


Jul 18, 2012
Hello forum goers!

I currently have an nVidia Surround setup (3x 22" AOC 1080p monitors). It's nice, great novelty value and on the right games it looks fantastic. However, there are a decent number of titles that either don't natively support multi-monitors or don't support it at all without some sort of modding. I don't mind editing .ini files, but sometimes that doesn't even work properly (Splinter Cell Conviction and Fallout come to mind). I've gotten used to the screen real estate, which is great, but I'm thinking that moving to a single WQHD monitor (the Asus pb278q, to be exact).

My biggest question is am I going to lose the screen real estate in games? It may be a dumb question, but I haven't really been able to find a concrete answer or comparison anywhere. Before the trolls have a field day with that question, I know I am not going to have 5760 pixels across anymore. I'm not that imbecilic. I just want to know will I have the extra pixels of viewing area both in width and height?

I guess I want to know if the upgrade in pixels will give me more viewing area in games over 1920x1080 or will it just make the same size image look sharper? And is it worth the swap to go from 3 to 1. Kinda like the same mantra for GPUs (better one good one, over three okay ones)

Any help would be great. Thanks.


1440p is effectively much higher resolution than 3x 1080p screens. Some people like the "immersion" of surround gaming, I prefer no distortion and a high resolution single screen. However, you won't get any more "viewing area" in games over a 1080p monitor, you'll get a higher resolution version of the same picture that you would on a 1080p screen. In my opinion (just my opinion) the experience of 1440p gaming destroys surround 1080p gaming. You'll also get much higher frames on a single 1440p monitor compared to 3x 1080p in surround.