A10 6800K - Could I overclock 2400Mhz RAM to 2600Mhz

Steee x

Oct 17, 2013
So I have been looking at the 6800K for a while. I know for the Price point I could do better but I am mainly looking to play PC Exclusive titles, Indie Games, Casual Games such as Contagion, Day Z, Source Engine games etc. I like the APUs because of the Fun you can have with them. So I seen Tek Syndicates Video on the 2400Mhz RAM and he specifically said if you Overclock the System, 2600Mhz RAM will run. So if I Loaded the DOCP Profile on the Asus UEFI, could I overclock that from 2400 Mhz to 2600 Mhz.

Steee x

Oct 17, 2013

APUs benefit from High Speed RAM. If I want the best FPS out of that APU, I would use something like 2400 Mhz or in this case, I want 2600Mhz.

Steee x

Oct 17, 2013

Why would i Ignore Logans videos, he does some great stuff.


His methods are shoddy and he NEVER keeps the variables in check. Comparing two CPU for example when the in game settings differ COMPLETELY, not to mention the systems have different RAM and storage configurations.

That is not just being lazy, that compromises integrity of any tests and results he posts.

I can give examples and more info on what I mean if you do not get what I am saying.


as everyone said 2400mz is more than enough for your needs.
2600mz will get you bragging rights but marginal increase in performance.
aaaaannnndd last but not the least you would need some luck getting there.