Are next gen consoles better than PC?

Abhi Singh

Mar 31, 2013
I am hearing a alot about the the next gen consoles , they are said to be better than pc but is that true? Will next gen consoles blow the pc's away?

And i also want to know is my pc better than the next gen consoles or the next gen consoles are better than my pc?


and how well will the next gen games work on my pc?( i play at 1600x900) Will it handel the next gen games for about 2 years or so? ( I usually play at medium settings but just wanna know how well will my pc handel the next gen games high medium low?etc etc )
Sep 21, 2013
Most PCs are better than consoles. Its not like consoles where everyone has the same specs for the system.Your PC is quite good. They say the GPU used in the PS4 is somewhere between the 7850 and 7870. Your PC will probably be able to handle games like bf4 on medium settings. The processor on the ps4 is an x86 one and the 8120 is a x64 one (better). So i would say it is quite better.