XL2420T IR Question (I may be retarded)


Apr 21, 2013
So I'm thinking of going into 3D as I own an XL2420T, and I've been looking around, now I'm unsure if I need the kit or just the glasses, because someplaces people say that it has an IR emitter built in, and some say it does not, but if I look at the bottom right corner of my screen there's a little dot (see pic) with a 3D symbol above it, and I've come to the conclusion that either, it's a lazy production mistake and it's not actually an IR emitter, or it has one and then I just need the glasses.

My question: Is it an IR emitter? Is it something completely different? Is it just there because they mass produce the XL2420T and the TX together and just cba to remove the


Link is broken.

And also, you want to make sure that your GPU is compatible with the monitor in terms of 3D. Some monitors only support Nvidia or AMD for 3D. I am reading the manual from BenQ's site, and it looks like only Nvidia cards are compatible for 3D.

The manual states that your monitor does not have the IR emitter and needs an external one.

Check here for further instruction: http://www.nvidia.com/object/3d-vision-system-requirements.html


Apr 21, 2013

I have a gtx 580 and the monitor is 3D ready, thanks for your answer, but can anyone who owns an XL2420T tell me what the little dot with the 3D icon is supposed to be.