$300 New Linux Laptop


Apr 6, 2010
I built my father-in-law a desktop PC see years ago with Windows XP. The PSU died and of course instead of calling me he bought a $1,200 Windows 8 desktop with touch screen.

His wife has no clue how to use the machine thanks to the Windows 8 GUI. He asked me about a $300 Chrome Book but I don't think it's a good choice. So I have a $300 budget and need a 15" laptop that will work flawlessly with Linux Mint 15.

Does anyone have suggestions? I want to stay away from AMD as I have had issues in the past. This is for a 60yo female that just discovered Facebook.

BTW I also think it's screwed up that he spent $1, 200 on himself but only $300 on her.


Honestly, if all she does is facebook/email...then a chrome book is probably enough. It won't run lightning fast, but then, she won't really need it to be super fast either.

Personally, I would look around at any laptop you can get your hands on for around $300-400 and just wipe Windows off and put Mint 15 on it.

I know you don't want to go AMD; however, Toshiba/HP and a few others make some nice laptops for cheap with AMD hardware and integrated GPU.

Something like this: