wat games can be played on my laptop?


Oct 29, 2013

I bought a my new Lenovo G580 laptop.
Model no.20150.
i5-3230M 3rd Gen.
1 TB HardDisk.
Intel(R)HD Graphics 4000.

Does anybody have same laptop or atleast specs?

**MAIN-Help me out**

First i thought graphicx can be upgraded in laptops and bought this one...later i came to it cant be upgraded.

I used to play a lot of games, but took a break.

Now am back. so help me pick a game to play.

I played a lot of games but til date my favorite games are
Counter strike half life
GTA 1 or 2 i don't remember
NFS most wanted

Mostly games which have freedom to move around in the environment with a little like virtual world. may be first person shooters....

so now i want play battle field 3,4,arma 3,ac4,crisis 3,far cry 3, call of duty 4,GTA 5 (hoping for p.c. release)

..........can any of the above games be played on my laptop?

if not wat games do u suggest.....i prefer fps

Please help me out.
Nearly all of those games had PC's in mind for the end-user. The fact that you can get them to run on a mid/low-end laptop should not be assumed. Not trying to be mean.... just saying. They might run, but, will do so at a cost that may not be too fun or pretty for that matter.