Difference between 2GB and 4GB?


Oct 30, 2013
I plan on building my own gaming PC that will handle future games such as Titanfall well. From what I researched, I know that the highlight of building a gaming PC is the graphics card. This is the one I chosen: http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-SuperClocked-Graphics-02G-P4-2774-KR/dp/B00CZIQXBA/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=5X7BHH73H6TE&coliid=I11CV64H1EI5A5

I was wondering should I get a 4GB or can I just stick with 2GB? For clarence, I'll be playing 4 graphic intensive MMOs: Guild Wars 2, Final Fantasy 14, Titanfall, and Planetside 2. As for less graphic intensive: Team Fortress 2. Also, I won't actually start getting and building the parts for this PC until sometime in early-mid 2014 if that will help.
Last time I bought a GPU was before XB1 and PS4 was announced. At that time I was choosing between the special version of the GTX 560ti with 1280MB VRAM and something from the red side with 2GB VRAM. I was told that 2GB wasn't necessary yet. Now however, with the new-gen consoles the recommended system specs have risen to 3GB VRAM on future games. So my card wont be able to stand up for so much longer. That is if I want games to look good.

A card with 4GB is more future-proof than one with 2GB. Personally I'd go for a 4GB card and later on OC it and hope I don't need to replace it any time soon. I do not know if 2GB more VRAM would give you better performance in a general way. However if you want huge textures a 4GB card is the way to...
Its a trick question to answer. Some MMO's will require more than 2gb Vram, and some will not. Other than that the shooters game and etc. will require less than 2gb Vram even if you use a dual monitor setup. So having 4gb Vram is not bad. But for most of the games 2gb vram is enough. Now its your call.



Oct 30, 2013
Last time I bought a GPU was before XB1 and PS4 was announced. At that time I was choosing between the special version of the GTX 560ti with 1280MB VRAM and something from the red side with 2GB VRAM. I was told that 2GB wasn't necessary yet. Now however, with the new-gen consoles the recommended system specs have risen to 3GB VRAM on future games. So my card wont be able to stand up for so much longer. That is if I want games to look good.

A card with 4GB is more future-proof than one with 2GB. Personally I'd go for a 4GB card and later on OC it and hope I don't need to replace it any time soon. I do not know if 2GB more VRAM would give you better performance in a general way. However if you want huge textures a 4GB card is the way to go, at least in the future.

Don't forget that the CPU is important to in a system. If you spend huge sums on a GPU and buy the cheapest of CPUs it's going to bottleneck.


Oct 30, 2013

Thanks. I don't have to worry about CPU, since it's an Intel i5, 3rd Generation. I'm just worried that in early 2014, things will change and I might need to update some parts. Though your answer is really helpful, I appreciate it. I'll just wait it out since I have plenty of time and see what how it will be in the future. Thanks.