Hamachi Connecting Problem


Aug 3, 2012
For starters we are all using Windows 7.
Me and friend (we'll call him #1) use Hamachi to play games like Terraria together and it worked perfectly for us both. However, today I tried to set up another friend (#2) of mine to the network we have and it appears that he cannot ping me and I cannot ping him, but I can still play with my friend (#1).
So I figured it was my friend's firewall, so we allowed through Hamachi but no luck.
Maybe his problem is still with the firewall but something I am not seeing.
I never had this problem with friend (#1) so I am very confused as to why it is happening for my other friend (#2). If anyone could help then it would be great.
(P.S. Friend (#2) has just moved to PC and this is happening on first using Hamachi)
check under networks...make sure his pc set up to find ip and dns automaticly some people put a fixed ip or dns addy and it can screw up some games/internet settings. on his pc check that internet protocal ip4 and ip6 are installed. try turning off his antivirus and see if it blocking him or you. check to see what port you and him are using. try pinging his pc.


Aug 3, 2012

Thanks for the reply, can't check now but will try when possible and get back to you!