Can I run 12 Monitors from one Laptop using this box ?


Jan 19, 2012

I am running 12 Dell U2412M ( 24 inch, 1920x1200 ) monitors using 3, AMD FirePro 2460 Low profile Video Cards. Each card has 4 Mini DP ports & runs 4 monitors each. I am using Dell workstation & it has 4 PCIe slots.

I am not running any games or very intensive programs. Just the stock market charts, 12 of them, each one is a different stock.

Now I am inspired by this video on you tube where this guy is running 8 monitors from a Laptop using only USB 3.0 seven port Hub.

So Now I want to run those 12 monitors from Dell M6800 Laptop workstation but in a little different way by using external PCIe slots.

The problem is to get 3 PCIe slots & solution I found is to use an external “ Nestor NA211A-NB “ PCIe expansion box that can be connected to Laptop using Express Card.

Each slot runs at 1X bandwidth.

This Nestor box costs around $ 780.00.

So before I start on this venture, could someone tell me if this is possible or am I going to run into bottleneck ?

Thank You.
why are you changing something that works? given that 12 monitors are not portable why go to a thermally challenged and slower laptop solution. especially where a tiny bit of lag can cause a loss?


Jan 19, 2012

I am travelling & demonstrating something to people where they already have setup 12 monitors. So I need a Laptop that I can carry with me & can do the same job as a desktop.

What is your objective?

You have a considerable amount of display real estate there.
The value of a laptop is that it is portable.
I don't see how such a number of displays could be portable, hence I see no advantage of running them off of a laptop.

For what it is worth, have you considered 4k monitors?
Each can hold the equivalent of 4 1080P displays.
One advantage is that you can size the windows and move them around.
Seiki has a 50" version and a 39" version. I saw the 50" version at compusa, and it is stunning.

tricky, it might work, buy from a place with a good returns policy.