Best Performing GTX 660?

Broba Fett

Sep 8, 2013
Hi guys, I'm set on getting a GTX 660 for my new computer build, with the intention of hopefully upgrading to SLI in a year or so. So my question is what is the best one to go for? Money isn't really an issue, though the less money is better.

I was looking at the Gigabyte 660 which is $230 (I'm in Australia) which seems to have quite good performance but temps and noise seem to be a bit on the higher side.Performance is paramount to me, and I want this build to run cool so that I won't have too many issues when I SLI.

These are the cards available to me:

What would be the best performing one of these that runs cool?


don't wait that long if you...

Broba Fett

Sep 8, 2013

I would, but there are few around and they are around $300, so if I were to do that I may as well buy a 760 ($320) :(

Thanks, Asus is a quality brand, but do you have any experience with this cooling system and is it an effective one?

don't wait that long if you have intention to go SLI. in a year from now gpu based on 20nm node most likely already hit the market (just my speculation based what i know currently). around that time there might be better deal in form of single card rather than add a second 660.