Anti-static Gloves, Wrist-band, or pad?


Oct 18, 2013
I am a beginning PC builder, and I was wondering... when I order all of my parts and start putting them together, I saw tons of videos on YouTube on putting together a PC, such as the 3-Part Series from NewEgg. In every single video, I have seen somebody mention using anti-static wrist bands or gloves. I live in Michigan, and I hardly ever get shocked. But to be safe, I will get some anti-static something. All of my parts are going to be REALLY expensive ($450 motherboard, 2x $800 GPUs, $1000 CPU).

Do any professional builders out there have any advice? Should I use the wrist band (seems that it will be annoying in the build), gloves (will be in the way a majority of the time), or something else? Any (intelligent) response will be appreciated.