Need help with building a good all round computer


Ok well i added the same PSU as jim now...and the GPU...Eh they are both the exact same thing

But this is a SLIGHTLY stronger asus 280x


Jan 10, 2012
if you're not gunna be doing any overclocking you can consider going with the i5 4670(non-"k") and a more mainstream mobo to save some money. (unless there's some feature that you are wanting like the higher quality on board audio). if you are going to be doing some overclocking and depending on high you wana go, you might wana consider a better cpu cooler.

Stop making the build worse xD Maybe he needs 2TB.


Jan 10, 2012

Yea, it's an amazing mobo, just throwing the suggestion out there if they were not going to do any overclocking to save some $$$

Lol. PFIREPFOX, The build i setup is better than before. You will be able to play games at ultra 1080p.

I would appreciate it if you picked me as solution as I am 1 away from graphics card and CPU's expert :)


Jan 10, 2012

lol, once again, just a suggestion. and would actually add performance to the build and also lower the price a bit (if that is a concern for them) if they arnt going to need the 2TBs. Also, you also wana throw out the option of getting the WD black and adding a second drive later on if needed.

The only reason to remove 1TB is to get closer to adding an SSD...

I dont know how he doesnt have an SSD in there but other than that its good. I dont even have an SSD XD


Jan 10, 2012
well we have not been given a budget yet, so i im just trying to think of other cost effective ideas. So, what if his budget doesn't have room for an SSD, or if he(or she) doesnt feel that they dont find an SSD attractive for w/e reason. you ask how he doesnt have an SSD in there, budget could be a good cause, or like you think, it could just be an over sight.

The i7 is stronger...but not needed at all!

Do you want an SSD, Do you need 2TB and do you need 16GB of ram?

Because I could remove 1TB, make the ram 8GB and add a 128gb SSD! BLAZING fast. Ok? Or do you like the other build i put together?

Hm...Ok if you want the i7 thats fine but I would have to make the ram 8GB and only add 1TB in order for the build to be in your budget with the 280X, ok?

If you do video rendering for example, the i7 and 16gb of ram will come in handy. But for gaming, it is overkill. An i5 4670k and 8gb of ram is plenty. Make those changes, get yourself an R9 280x or a GTX 770. That would be a much stronger gaming machine.

I also question that power supply. It has great reviews, but the fact that they only give it a 3 year warranty makes me feel like they know something we don't. If you're not stuck on that one, check out XFX, Corsair (non-CX), Antec HCG, or any seasonic PSU instead.

Edit: just saw you do rendering. The i7/16Gb ram may be the way to go then. I was hoping to find a way to get you up to an R9 280x or GTX 770 for gaming. No big deal, if you find the R9 270x slow, you can always double up in crossfire.
One area you can shave some costs is your motherboard. I have the same one, (but the micro-atx version) and love it. It's an enthusiast board that costs a premium for excellent overclocking tweaks, and really nice onboard sound. I love it very much, but to be honest, it may be worth it for you to go down a tier on the motherboard and upgrade to a better graphics card. It really depends on how much you game, and at what resolution.