Finalization for Build


Oct 14, 2013
Hello guys,
Heres my build:

My main concern is if my PSU can handle everything the system has..
399w is the estimated wattage in PCpartpicker, and my psu has 430 :s..

I already bought the PSU and my dad won't return it sadly :c
Do you guys think I should still get the 7870 or just get a 7850

EDIT: I WONT be overclocking
yes, technically it can take it.

However, explain it to him in engine terms, it might help.

Just because you can redline an engine without it blowing up, doesn't mean you can redline an engine 24/7 and expect it to last years.

Just because the PSU can supply 430W doesn't mean you should let it draw 430W all the time. It won't last, and could take other components with it when it dies.
A 430W PSU is cutting it real close, even without overclocking...

Does the PSU have the necessary power connectors? (2 6 pin PCIx power adapter)

Dropping from the 7870 to the 7850 won't really do much as far as power goes.

If you can't get a new PSU, you will just have to try it. It will work, but you may overtax the PSU during heavy loads.
That is a decent CPU. But when you overload a CPU it is really up in the air with what happens. It could be that it just dies, or it could overload the voltage regulator and fry the system.

There aren't a lot of decent systems out there that you don't want at least a 650 watt PSU for.
yes, technically it can take it.

However, explain it to him in engine terms, it might help.

Just because you can redline an engine without it blowing up, doesn't mean you can redline an engine 24/7 and expect it to last years.

Just because the PSU can supply 430W doesn't mean you should let it draw 430W all the time. It won't last, and could take other components with it when it dies.
For a build like that, 500W-550W is plenty. This of course assumes a quality PSU. The Corsair CX line starts out good, but the non-modular ones contain inferior Samxon capacitors that don't like heat and are known to fail early. I would not redline a Corsair CX.
That said, I run a HD7870 in my rig, and even gaming, I don't think my system pulls 300W from the wall.
You might look at the GTX660. It's performance is almost as good as the HD7870, but it draws less power and only needs one PCIe power cable.