PLEASE HELP (Strange reduced core clock speeds)


Oct 13, 2013
I recently purchased an amd 290x. It is phenomenal in all games, except those with any sort of render or view distance. On minecraft or Arma or any other game, if i decrease the view distance my core clock consistently maintains a 1000MHZ core clock. The strange thing is, if I turn up the render distance. my clock speed decreases. I was wondering if there is a way to fix this in amd catalyst? What can I do? Why is this happening?


It's happening because the GPU has to work harder to handle the draw distance. More work, means more heat. With a noisy fan stuck at 40%, the clock speeds have to go down to prevent damage to the card. Not much you can do about this. AMD has a driver update out that will get the fan above 40%, but it probably won't help much. Really needs a new cooler. Getting your room cooler can help. Open window, turn on AC, and maybe point a house fan at the side of your computer with the case open.


Oct 13, 2013

Its not getting hot though, and i already have the driver update. I have also tried manually setting the fan to like 60%.


From what I read you can't change just the fan.,3650-5.html

You want to bring your temperature target down, rather than increasing it, to trigger more aggressive cooling...You cannot override those ceilings by simply moving the slider all the way over to 100% and enjoying lower temperatures. Since AMD's 95-degree default limit can typically be maintained somewhere between 40 and 50%, you need to change the target temperature, too.

Tom's article says uber mode at 55% is the max. So you need to lower the target temp as well. Again, increasing the view distance puts more work on the GPU and it has to drop the clock speed to stop the heat. You said its "not getting hot", but without specifics I can only guess you are mistaken... As I understand how the 290X works this should be what's happening. Lower the stress on the GPU, the clock speeds can stay high.


Oct 13, 2013

The temps are at around 70-90 never going beyond. I have been monitoring it. I would understand if it actually got hot and then downclocked, but I can play bf4 all day with consisten 1050mhz at 92 degrees, and then i play arma or minecraft and it increases view distance, the gpu starts downclocking. Im very confused