I need to practice Oracle 11g but i am not able to find useful links to download Oracle 11g for windows 7, 64-bit. Please help

Please tell us what you want to do with it and we may be able to help you. Do you have an enterprise software, that needs a full blown Oracle installation? Or do want to develop your own program that uses a database? I already gave you a link for a full install. What's the problem with that?


Nov 10, 2013

Hello, Thank you for replying. :)
Actually i just want to practice sql and pl/sql queries, so i want to install Oracle 11g.
I have downloaded the two files, provided at the link, mentioned by you.The files are .zip files. But i am having problem while extracting File 2. It takes around 4-5 hours to get downloaded, and while extracting (or unzipping it), it is showing message 'Failed to decompress'. I have downloaded this file 4 times, but failed all the times.

Can you help me with this? :(