Speakers emitting interference


Nov 10, 2013
Hi guys, I know this has been asked before, but I still haven't found a solution. My speakers are emitting a very high frequency every so often and tried every possible thing I could. These are my speakers (they are supposed to be magnetic shielded):


Here are somethings that I have tested for:

1) They emit the interference when the pc is off too.

2) They even emit the interference when they are not connected to the pc, just the socket extension (thus, I'm guessing it's not the onboard sound card. However, I disabled every audio device when it's on too)

3) I removed every plug from the socket extension except for the speakers and they still emit the interference. I even attached ferrite beads to every wire but still no luck

4) I moved my mobile away

5) I changed the socket extension

6) I don't thing it's a grounding problem cause it is not the 50/60 Hz that is being emitted but a much higher frequency

7) The router is in another room

8) I live in a block of flats (middle floor)

9) This was also happening to my old speakers so I'm guessing it's not the speakers

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


RFI of EMI either airborne or mains power borne.
From what you say you still get this with nothing plugged into the speakers which tells us that the interference is not coming from an external device.
Now with nothing plugged into the speakers and the speakers turned on is the interference volume altered when you adjust the volume control.
Is the noise constant or does it only occur at times.
Is the power supply built into the sub woofer or is it a separate unit.


Nov 10, 2013

Hey, yes, the volume of the interference seems to be highest when the volume control is turned to the middle, though interference can still be heard quite loudly when the volume control is turned all the way off.

The noise is not constant, the interference comes and goes.

The power supply is built into the sub woofer since just a 2 pin plug comes out of it (apart from the wire for the volume controller and the jacks to connect to the pc). However, my old speakers had an external power supply


Right,since it is intermittent it is likely being caused by an insufficiently suppressed motor or pump(commonly a suppression capacitor will have failed) this could be from a refrigerator,freezer,air conditioner,central heating or even an elevator motor.
Unfortunately the rogue device could belong to a neighbour and in any case would be hard to find.
Since you get the interference with no input cable to act as an antenna and it is still there with the volume off the chances are that it is mains borne and is not being filtered properly by the power supply.
It could still be RFI but if you have tried ferrites on the speaker cables without success then this is less likely.
You should probably try a mains conditioner unit.
Something like this http://www.maplin.co.uk/tacima-2m-six-socket-mains-conditioner-plus-rfi-filter-for-home-cinema-and-hifi-46830


Nov 10, 2013

Thanks for the info. I'll try out a mains conditioner unit and check how that goes :)