what are the causes of freezes on game


Oct 4, 2013
I'm novice about this topic or you can call me a noob for these kinda things, so i need a little help.

what causes game freeze.

please answer its kinda urgent. :(

thank you by the way. :)

I totally forgot to mention, YES, when your anti0virus is on, it can cause a lot of lag/ freezes ingame...


May 27, 2012
What game, and what kind of freeze? Are you talking about stuttering or a complete crash? Could be a buggy game, could be a lack of resources, could be graphics settings are too high for your set up, could even be a hardware problem.

There isn't a guaranteed single issue that causes crashes.


Oct 4, 2013

well mate thank you for your reply,
i was just positing for my old computer who its now my dad's computer now so his having a problem which would never occur to me when its in my possession
his saying to me that his having game freezes when he play counter strike i think its the 2009 version(he likes old games eh) Battlefield 2 he stated that the game freezes for about let's say 5 or more seconds

the specs as i remember
MOBO: ECS motherboard i forgot the model of it (2 years old)
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (6 years old)
GPU: AFOX 1 GB Nvidia GeForce 220 128bit DDR2 (1 year and a half old)
RAM: 4GB Kingston DDR2 677
PSU: Generic 500w
FANS:4x 80x80 fans 1 120x120 fan

Exactly what do you mean by freezing? How long are you able to play until it freezes? Any error codes? Also tell us your specs. Honestly the problem area for games freezing is vast. Could be old drivers, could be graphics are too high, could be outdated GPU or outdated CPU, could be the game itself. I will ask, what type of game are you trying to play? And are you overclocking your GPU or CPU? I ask this because sometimes when you overclock, depending on your setting, when you start a 3D application such as BF4 or other FPS games, it will freeze the game due to "to much overclocking". If your not overclocking I would try to update your graphics card driver *right click on computer/ hit properties/ open device manager/ find your GPU/ right click/ update driver/ reboot. If this dont work I would try maybe lowering the graphics in game. Also if possible, run a "check all files" option from your games launcher to establish you have the proper installation files with no bugs or registry errors. Sometimes a simple soultion, which we ALL find annoying, is to uninstall and reinstall.. If all this fails, check the forums of your game, see if other people are having the same issue because like I said, some games have terrible servers etc. Last option, depending on if your GPU or CPU is outdated, old, or not up to par, is consider an upgrade! plenty of experts here would be willing to help you pick out a new GPU or CPU for your system! Im not an expert with hardware, but I know games pretty well, basiclly the only thing I do on my pc lol. Try these things, if they dont work, Im sorry lol.


Oct 4, 2013

thank you for your reply this is what im looking for

i state these things in my response and offer some solutions. check them out. just might work.


well buddy I can say, your GPU is NOT for gaming, and if you say it freezes for about 5 seconds, thats about your typical "old gpu" problems. The GPU just isnt good, this could be a big issue, it doesnt even support directx 11. This COULD be the problem! Try updating drivers, lowering graphics, and doing a clean reinstall first before thinking of a upgrade. ALSO you CPU is terrrrrible for gaming. What is the CPU usage when playing? Because when the CPU usages gets about 70% n up (in some cases even 50 %) it will lag n freeze the whole sysem. I know when I was playing on a AMD Dual core I couldnt even play my game on low graphics due to CPU usage freezing the game every 15 seconds.



Oct 4, 2013

thank you for your reply mate.
actually its a old computer i was a first owner. now my dad's computer he likes old games but when he play counter strike he mention that it freezes and NBA 2k12 or 11

I am VERY familiar with games like Counter Strike, I play Soldier Front 2. Let me just say I would HGHLY recommend upgrading BOTH your CPU and GPU, both are nowhere near what you want to be able to play CS with no problem. Also what graphics is he playing on? If he turns them all the way down, and the problem still persists, hit cntrl alt delete, bring up task manager, and check at the bottom to see the CPU usage while playing the game, if its anywhere above 70% this is MOST LIKELY the problem (considering you already updated driver and reinstalled and lowered graphics)

I totally forgot to mention, YES, when your anti0virus is on, it can cause a lot of lag/ freezes ingame because the way anti virus works is a scans everything that recieves data, so when you are getting shot in game, the anti virus is scanning each on of those bullets that hit you. This sounds awkward but I learned this years ago from a old wise man lol. That is definately another solution is disabling antivirus while playing, also like he and I both said, your CPU is not up to par. I didnt mention anything about background process's because usually people who play games like this already know the basic solutions and already tried them lol.


Oct 4, 2013
thank you, thank you very much for your help guys merci merci im going to do all the solution that you've given me for this problem thank you again guys i would say all of you guys deserve to have the best solution for this topic.

no problem sir, anytime, and go ahead pick mine as best solution :) these guys already have their badges I want one too haha