Just wanna say thanks

Thank you to everyone on this site. I have learned so much here in the past couple months. Sometimes this site will help you solve things even computer techs cant figure out, I want to say much respect to the creators of this site and everyone affiliated, very great site!


Sep 14, 2013
Yeah I think the same. Once you think you have enough knowledge that can be shared with others, then do it.
I think Knowledge is meant to be shared with others no matter how big or small it is. It only needs to be appropriate. I also want to thank this website and the experts of this website who have solved almost all of my questions and have given me knowledge hich rest of my classmates don't know. Thank you Tom'shardware.
This is the best website if you want to be a computer expert in the least expected time. Once again, Thank you Tom'shardware.

site is awesome! haha.. Endless knowledge and real people to actually work with solving problems