How many times is manually shutting down a PC too much?

Gabriel Rios

Aug 13, 2013
Ok so I have had my own built PC for around 2 months and Im wondering how many times shutting it down manually will b etoo much and start affecting my PC. The reason being is that I have had to almost id say 20-25 times in two months! The first 10 where probably when I was first setting up my os and all, the rest where through out the whole 2 months with some problems i had initially with freezes where i was forced to shutdown it. Right now I just performed my id say 20th shutdown but it works fine and my mobo is ready with features to counter this but im still worried. I dont think my os is corrupt yet and what to do to make sure its not messed up and tell me if I should be worried or I'll be fine if i dont do it anymore.
no number of times. force shut it down at the exact wrong time windows is writing something, and it won't boot. That could be the 2nd shutdown or the 20000th.

Should figure out what's causing the freezing, you shouldn't ever have to force it to shutdown.

Gabriel Rios

Aug 13, 2013
I know but if it works do you think I'll be fine?