why is arma 3 so demanding


Oct 29, 2013
to be honest the graphics arn't that special, but why is the game so demanding on the pc

killzone shadowfall has better graphics then arma 3
Its an open world game, and the scale of it makes it CPU hungry, its also has some fairly good physics which need to be constantly applied to the game, through out the open world. I run it fairly well, maxed out settings I get about 38fps.
It also has to be said the engine running the game isnt too badly optimised but can do with a few improvements.

Killzone shadow may look better but its not trying to render a full open world with a wide viewing distance, its a small scaled game, arcade like therefor it doesnt have as many intense or realistic core mechanics as arma 3, and this obviously puts the load off the cpu


Nov 9, 2013
Its an open world game, and the scale of it makes it CPU hungry, its also has some fairly good physics which need to be constantly applied to the game, through out the open world. I run it fairly well, maxed out settings I get about 38fps.
It also has to be said the engine running the game isnt too badly optimised but can do with a few improvements.

Killzone shadow may look better but its not trying to render a full open world with a wide viewing distance, its a small scaled game, arcade like therefor it doesnt have as many intense or realistic core mechanics as arma 3, and this obviously puts the load off the cpu


Dec 2, 2013

Yes, but with medium-low to medium-high graphics settings. My crappy laptop can trundle along at 20-30 fps on low/medium-low with a 740M, so it is a safe bet to say that, if the effort was done to port it to PS4, Arma 3 would work even better. However, that is unlikely to happen for two reasons: 1) Arma 3's input has been fully optimised for mouse/keyboard, so much so that it wouldn't work with a controller (Yes I know that you can use a keyboard and mouse on the PS4, but the people who do that often already have a PC anyway). 2) Modding is a huge part of what makes up the Arma series, and is in fact a big reason that the series is still around. Mods would likely not be allowed on PS4 (too much risk of a bad mod screwing up a game/console), so there goes a huge chunk of community support for Arma.