Windows 7 Internet/Network Problem. *Video*


Jan 11, 2012
First off, I have no idea what could cause this.
I posted a forum about this issue I had a while back but I guess I didn't explain my issue well enough to receive any assistance. That link is here
But as the title said! I have a video of my problem also!
Basically my problem is as follows.
If i go to [Start] > [My Computer] > [Network] it will load, then my internet access will cease, and it will cease for all the computers in the rest of the house also. I have to restart the modem, and the router as well and sometimes restart effected computers. (keep in mind that it doesnt matter what computer I do it on, it happens if I do this on any of them.
Sounds strange. What I would do first is disconnect all computers from any network. Then run a virus scan on each and every one, a FULL scan. if nothing is found, I would then create a virus scanner on a USB drive with Bitdefender or Avast and run it on each one until all have been scanned.

Then hook back up any network wires or wireless connections to the router.


Jan 11, 2012

I dont think it would be a virus issue. I just recently made that video 30 mins ago and before i did I powered down all the other computers in the house so 1. they wouldnt show up on the network list, 2. so i didnt have to bother restarting them later.
I also recently just did a fresh install of windows 7 on this computer after reformatting my drives and only downloaded trusted programs since.