Connecting directly to a server with internet access


Nov 22, 2013
I connected my computer to a small server computer that is on a network but isn't being used as the server anymore. I made the IP adress on one computer and the other (.2) because I get an IP adress conflict message if they are the same. My Default gateway and Preffered DNS server have the same address as computer 1 (.1). So far my connection shows that I'm receiving packets from the server but, I'm not seeing any of the other devices on the network and more importantly, I'm not connecting to the internet which was my main priority. Any Tips?

PS: I'm using windows 7 and the server is using windows server 2003 standard edition


More information is needed.

So you have no router, or switches, and use the DHCP server in 2003 which has a direct connection to a DSL or cable modem to one of its two NICs?

Do you have it correctly configured? HERE is a good guide. Are you using the RRAS wizard?