Which non-reference GTX 770 should I buy?


Aug 25, 2012
I'm in the market for a GTX 770, but it's difficult to choose between all of the aftermarket cards that are available. My priorities are as follows, listed in order of importance:

1. Good reliability/customer service. I'd like my GPU either to be reliable enough to (hopefully) never need to contact customer service or to have exceptional customer service should something go wrong. If it's possible to have both, great!
2. Good cooling. I'd assume that most of the aftermarket cooling solutions are pretty good, but I know some will be better than others. I'll rely on this for good overclocking.
3. Good pre-OC performance. Obviously there will be little variables here, but if I can get a slightly-higher-than-stock clock speed (without it necessarily being an OC card) on a certain card, I'll take it into consideration.

Also, I'm looking to game on a single 1080p monitor, so from what I've read I'll only need 2GB of VRAM.

I'll appreciate any suggestions!


The Asus DCII cooler versions are generally really good. Asus has good customer service, the cooling on the DCII cooler is fantastic and it is quite silent.
Not sure if it is overclocked from the stock, but generally the cooler helps a lot.