PSU enough to power crossfired 290x?

Are you sure about that? I'm actually a little shocked at your recommendation. That's the first time I've heard someone say an 850 Watt Corsair Enthusiast PSU is not enough for a high-end dual card setup. The recommendation of an incredible 1150+ Watts is a bit off and a somewhat inappropriate response.

Here's Guru3d's recommendation for the 290X in Crossfire:,10.html
•AMD R9-290X - On your average system the card requires you to have a 550~600 Watt power supply unit.
•AMD R9-290X Crossfire - On your average system the cards require you to have a 800 Watt power supply unit as minimum.

If you are going to overclock GPU or processor, then we do recommend you purchase something with some more stamina.

Power consumption AMD Radeon R9-290X

1.System in IDLE = 120W
2.System Wattage with GPU in FULL Stress = 396W
3.Difference (GPU load) = 276W
4.Add average IDLE wattage ~10W
5.Subjective obtained GPU power consumption = ~ 286 Watts