How Should Corsair H60 Fan Face the Radiator?


Nov 8, 2013

I am confused as to how to install the fan of Corsair H60.

In the manual, it places the fan's front mounted to the radiator, but in the brochure and Corsair videos shows the back side of the fan that is mounted to the radiator.

Question is,
1. Which one takes air from the outside?
2. Which one would be better?

Thank you
Kinda up to you, both will work. You will also have whether to set the cooling fan as an intake - blowing or sucking air into the case over the radiator, and yes it will add a little temperature to you case interior - or as an exhaust - moving warm case air over the warmer radiator for cooling. Both will work.
I have a big fan on the top vent of my case for exhaust and have set my H50 (predecessor to the H60) as an intake system.
Hope this helps.