Gaming on a 3DTV


Jun 14, 2009
Hey so I'm new to this, and figured some of you here would know better. I picked up this Vizio 3DTV ( yesterday on a whim. Love the TV. Now since I use steam on my monitor, I figured I'd give the steam big picture feature a shot. And basically I was wondering if it was possible to game in 3D on this TV via my PC. It's been a few years since I've researched gaming in 3D so I've got not a clue where to start, or if it ended up being a dead end street. My PC is connected to the TV via HDMI over my Radeon 5770, and the TV has SBS, TB, and Sensio configurations for 3D. It also uses passive 3D glasses ( I'm not looking for heavy gaming here, just a few games of CS:GO and the like. Any help is appreciated, thanks.