2013 X-mas gaming PC


Dec 6, 2013
Hey everyone, with X-mas coming up right around the corner I was looking into building a new Gaming PC for the holidays. I've been out of the loop for quiet a while and been reading a ton of pages on the forums trying to get caught back up and see what people are buidling....

I don't have a brand preference I've used Intel and AMD in the past both have worked fine and never had a problem with either I just want to get the best bang for the buck so to speak.

The computers main use will be gaming about 70% of the time but I do also do video editing with the other 30% of use on it, so i wasn't really able to decide on the new AMD's or the I-7's for a CPU.

I would prefer to stay away from water cooling as i've never tinkered around with that before but I will be overclocking the system and the room it is in averages between 85 - 90 degrees year round so good cooling is essential.

I will be needing everything for the system; Keyboard & Mouse, Monitor, OS, everything as im selling my old system to go towards this one, the only thing I already have is an extra 2TB hard drive and 200 gig SSD.

My budget is no more then 1,500 with shipping & Tax which i know is going to be a challenge as were starting from the ground up, main goal is to get a rig that can rip through all the new games that are coming out at max settings, I can live with the video editing taking a little while longer if it gets me an extra 10 FPS on the newest games.

Thanks for all your help in advance,
I look forward to hearing from you!