Can't get stock fx-8320 cooler to attach to msi 970A-G46 mobo


Dec 9, 2013
The title sort of says it all. I can't for the life of me get both of the metal tabs on the stock cpu cooler to attach to the plastic tabs on the motherboard. They just sort of seem too short. I did manage to get them both on at one point by pushing very hard, but I was unable to then switch the locking lever over. I tried flipping it but I was applying so much force that I was worried something would break and I stopped.
What am I doing wrong!?


Are you starting with the lever in the up position? You aren't supposed to put it down until after you have both tabs in place...then it applies pressure to the contact point between the heat sink and cpu as you lock it in place..

Also make sure that the metal arm that runs through the heat sink is fitting into the two slots.



I wouldn't do that. Now your mounting point has play you don't want.