780ti not using its whole capacity!


Nov 21, 2013
My 780ti which I just installed yesterday is only playing games with 40% to 60% of its capacity, I have tried all the 3 drivers but none of them have worked. The drivers don't even register on MSI afterburner.
http://gyazo.com/3a0edffdb3cd488378b70c559554d66a (<---- link to MSI afterburner)

I have saw some people with the same problem and I am totally annoyed by this, I paid £600.00 and it isn't working as good as my 660ti.

If anyone can tell me what is going on that will be perfect, here are my specs.

specs: http://gyazo.com/c5025a8af4e04d13cdc263459e6d4c83
He has an i7-3770

It almost looks like you're just using the stock Microsoft drivers, not the official NVidia ones at least in terms of performance. I know you installed the official ones so that's strange.

It's also possible you are "stuck" in 2D/idle mode but that's easily checked. Close or alt-tab a game then look at your GPU frequency. It should have been near maximum (close to 1100MHz) not down around half of that.

I've only really seen this issue with a CPU that was really hot and throttling things but that's not your case.