Would the i5 3470 bottleneck 2x GTX 770 in SLI?


Jun 10, 2013
Hey! I'm thinking of getting another GTX 770 to run in SLI. But before I decide I gotta know if 2x GTX 770 will bottleneck i5 3470.

So.. Will it? In case it does, which CPU would you recommend, I'd rather not spend too much on a new cpu.

I don't know what this dude is talking about, but this CPU is plenty to take advantage of almost all of what 2 770s can offer short of getting a 4930k or something which is too much for a gaming pc. I would be a better decision, however to get a 3570k or 4670k and overclock it to 4.3GHz or more just to make sure you're getting the most out of your investment. A 3570k at 4.5 GHz won't even bottleneck 2 titans.


You're actually saying the same thing, and you're both partially right. @OP, don't worry about a bottleneck, get another 770 and go wild. There certainly are instances in which you could potentially be bottlenecked, but you won't regret it.
partially rite lol... its completely rite. the 3470 (none K part) and 3470k both have enough grunt to run sli 770's at stock without overclocking.
why? the stock 3570k wouldnt bottleneck sli 770's and theres only 200mhz difference, so clock for clock they have pretty much (within 5%) the same performance as a 3570k so if the 3570k wont bottleneck then the 3470 wont either...
as for overclocking to 4.5 its not needed. 3.6ghz turbo is plenty fast enough even at 3.2 i doubt it would bottleneck.



Jun 10, 2013
Sweet! Then I guess I just need to get a motherboard with 2x pci-e ports and then go crazy! OffTopic: How about a Core i5-3330? How much better / worse is it than the 3470?
you can only go so low befor you would run into issues.3.2ghz/3.6 turbo is about as low as i would say is feasible for an sli setup like yours. just to be sure i didnt run into bottlenecking. as your already top heavy with the gpu's they would work but its still pretty unbalanced.
personally i would have bought a single gtx 780ti over 2 770's and put the rest into the cpu. to build a more balanced system.

so while i say yeah your current build would work well enough its not the build i would buy.

also make sure you buy a motherboard with at least 1x16 or 2x8 support on the 2 pci-e slots as a lot of boards are being advertised with a 1x16 and 1x4 slot as sli compatible when there really not. at least if you ignore semantics.



Again, so close, yet so far. All I'm saying is that there are games out there that will CPU bottleneck no matter how far you overclock even the latest Intel CPUs. These are mostly RTSes and no one really cares that they can't get more than 45 fps in them, but the fact remains.
a bottleneck is all about the bandwidth between 1 device and another at the hardware level. a weak cpu paired with a strong gpu will not feed the gpu enough information, but change it out for a stronger cpu or run the weaker 1 faster, the bottleneck should be alleviated.
if bottleneck remains its not a hardware bottleneck its a software 1. so what your describing is bad programming. because as you say no matter how fast the cpu the games wont get past a certain fps regardless of speed or system specs.