Need help building desktop. Help!


Dec 16, 2013
Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong section on the website, I am first timer posting here. I have been wanting to build a desktop that is great for gaming recording and editing. I honestly have no clue where to start. I need help. The games that I want to play are skyrim and minecraft. My price range is around $1000, but ill go higher if i need to.

A monitor is just the screen, and connects to the back of the desktop as well as connecting to a wall socket for power.

As far as a setup for what you want to do (I'm gonna guess YouTube), there's a wide variety of computers that fit the bill. For Minecraft and Skyrim, you're going to probably want a Intel i- series processor (this will be given with the name of the computer. Most common are either the Intel i7 or i5). You are also going to want a good graphics card. The name and brand of the card will probably be given with the description of the computer. Nvidia...


Nov 29, 2013

Yes, there are several services that might be for you, but you will not always get full design input, e.g, you may not get to fully pick your own motherboard, graphics, sound, etc. Chances are, they will give you several pre-made setups to choose from. Bear in mind, these are still good computers, and will perform to your standards, they are just already planned out for you, seeing as you may not have enough experience in computers to buy and completely assemble your own.

These computers also come with your OS (usually Windows 7) as well as reasonable quality peripherals (stuff other than the main computer) like your mouse and speakers. Its up to you, however, to purchase monitors and any other necessary equipment, like headphones, recording cards, etc. These computers will run you about $1000, give or take some.

I hope this helped, as I was also once in your position (and sometimes still am).




Nov 29, 2013

A monitor is just the screen, and connects to the back of the desktop as well as connecting to a wall socket for power.

As far as a setup for what you want to do (I'm gonna guess YouTube), there's a wide variety of computers that fit the bill. For Minecraft and Skyrim, you're going to probably want a Intel i- series processor (this will be given with the name of the computer. Most common are either the Intel i7 or i5). You are also going to want a good graphics card. The name and brand of the card will probably be given with the description of the computer. Nvidia cards are great, so try to get your hands on a computer with one of those. To decrease lag, get a computer with at least 16GB of RAM (also shown in the computer's description).

I hope this helps. In order to understand everything to do with computers, I recommend you read up on some of the many terms involved with the hobby, i.e Motherboard, Hard Drive, RAM, Processor, etc. These tips will get you started with a pre-made desktop, which you can upgrade with parts you buy yourself. As for a service to build one for you, I recommend , which will let you take a look at some potential PCs. If you still can't really understand the High-Tech terms, head over to or, who will give you some pretty awesome desktops, but with a bigger price tag.
