What do I need to upgrade for BF4

The GTX 770 is a great card for that price. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=8208321&SRCCODE=WEBGOOPA&cm_mmc_o=mH4CjC7BBTkwCjCV1-CjCE&gclid=CMH84f6tu7sCFU9afgoda0sAJw
For some extra cash you can get the 4gb verison, but that really isnt needed for more than one monitor.
That processor will hold out for a few years, at which point you can get the 8350. My cpu is 4 years old now, coming out in 09, but still runs games a year after its predicted life over.


Dec 5, 2013
About $400 (can be higher prefer it not to be though), I want to get something that will last, meaning will run games for 2.5-3 years at high frame rates on medium to high. Also for my processor will next years game make me need a newer better one? Thanks for the response.

The GTX 770 is a great card for that price. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=8208321&SRCCODE=WEBGOOPA&cm_mmc_o=mH4CjC7BBTkwCjCV1-CjCE&gclid=CMH84f6tu7sCFU9afgoda0sAJw
For some extra cash you can get the 4gb verison, but that really isnt needed for more than one monitor.
That processor will hold out for a few years, at which point you can get the 8350. My cpu is 4 years old now, coming out in 09, but still runs games a year after its predicted life over.