will a ram that is ddr3 1600 work in this Motherboard?

You should get TWO STICKS:

Dual Channel may or may not be faster depending on your CPU, but with two sticks it's easier to troubleshoot if one becomes defective. Plus, you can send one back via RMA and keep running your PC with the other one (I did this with G. Skill even though they "suggested" I send the entire kit back. No thanks, then I have no PC.)

Other: http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3833#sp

*Also, that is 1333MHz overclocked so you may even default to 1066MHz but that doesn't much matter. I believe if you overclock the CPU via the shared Base Clock you overclock both, thus if you overclock the CPU by 10% it would go from say 3000MHz to 3300MHz and your DDR3 RAM goes from 1066MHz to about 1172MHz.

**It also says 1333MHz+ indicating that it COULD theoretically go even higher but this motherboard is NOT a great overclocker so I don't recommend too high an overclock, if you even do one.

joe sterling

Dec 12, 2013

I'm getting this one instead it's cheaper and has 3.0 usb version but it's basically the same right?http://www.directcanada.com/products/?sku=16950BD9693
and 8gb 2x4gb http://www.directcanada.com/products/?sku=3005129655Q