Trying to build a small home server for file sharing, media sharing and lan based minecraft server.


Oct 15, 2012
I am trying to build a small homes server for file sharing, media sharing and lan based minecraft server.

My history:

I have always built large gaming rig machines, where I never had to worry about if the parts would fit, but when it comes to something small I have never done so.

I would like to have something powerful enough to act as a lan based minecraft server for about 5 players, ftp, media sharing to my xbox 360, and idevices. I prefer Windows as I have had some practice on Windows severs and such.

My budget is about $1,000 USD, but the less I can go the better. I do NOT need any keyboard, mouse or monitor (for the setup) as I already have that for use.

I really don't know of any good small cases (maybe something that is the size of 2 xbox 360's stacked on top of each other?)

Optical drive is optional, but I would like enough room for at least 2HDD's, possibly a lower end dedicated gpu (for moments when someone else may want to play minecraft. So really this machine have some power for everything and be able to play minecraft on occasion.

Cool running, small, and powerful pretty much.

So if anyone who has done something like this can chime in with what they built for themselves or someone else, with part list and possibly prices that would be great!

I can go AMD or Intel, Nvidia or AMD, I am not a fanboy of any kind and just like best bang for my buck.

Again my funds are $1,000 USD or less preferably.

Thanks for the help.

Ideas: If I find something for a setup I will edit this post with my idea/s in this spot.