ZOTAC GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost 2 GB GDDR5 in 78lmts2?

Sagar Dabherao

May 2, 2013
i wanna buy GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost 2 GB GDDR5. i have mobo-78lmts2 with 450 w ps.so will it work on my mobo. some engineer told me that ddr5 graphic cards work only in costly mobos and it will need 6pin...so wat should i do?
A corsair VS450 would do just fine on sub-100W GPUs, Regarding the Cabling and its management, You only need to plug the cables through the back and to the proper sockets. These days, Most Computers only need these cables:

24-Pin ATX
4/8 Pin 12V ATX
Hard Drive and Optical Drive cables
6/8 Pin GPU (Optional)

You just need to locate them. Not that confusing TBH

Sagar Dabherao

May 2, 2013
i got corsair 450w say a yr. ago. m ordering them online so will be able to install it. i know where to put it but all the wire connections seem a bit tricky. i dont want to buy it from shop as it cost's 5k extra!
A corsair VS450 would do just fine on sub-100W GPUs, Regarding the Cabling and its management, You only need to plug the cables through the back and to the proper sockets. These days, Most Computers only need these cables:

24-Pin ATX
4/8 Pin 12V ATX
Hard Drive and Optical Drive cables
6/8 Pin GPU (Optional)

You just need to locate them. Not that confusing TBH

Sagar Dabherao

May 2, 2013
i jst checked my psu, its not corsair..its VIP 400r plus, and on the sticker its written MAX POWER 310W......so which one should i buy?
i have got an i ball case. and there wont be any fitting problems right?

Get Antec vp450p with eyes closed.It will fit in your cabinet - http://www.flipkart.com/antec-vp450p-450-watts-psu/p/itmda3ncpuga3hpu?pid=PSUDA3NCT4Z4SKKR&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=ANTEC+VP450P&ref=aef789bf-6284-46e7-ad5b-d0310c9cb9d9

Gtx 650ti boost - http://www.flipkart.com/zotac-nvidia-geforce-gtx-650-ti-boost-2-gb-gddr5-graphics-card/p/itmdkj3ncx6ehmnt?pid=GRCDKJFTFUEDPBTR&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=zotac+gtx+650ti+boost&ref=001e6813-8c70-404b-97a2-54882ba03c6a