Need to pick GPU for budget gaming build


Dec 22, 2013
I'm doing my first gaming PC build and its on a somewhat of a budget build, but I'm not going too cheap on the graphics card since I know how important it is.
I've been considering the Radeon HD 7850, but I don't know which brand is a good choice and i'd like to find one for the best price possible.
Any opinions or input on this card or another card that would work for medium-high level graphics settings would be awesome! At this time I don't play games that require a lot of graphics (Diablo 3, LoL, etc) but I want to buy a card that will run the games I play with ease and play other more intensive games in the future if I choose to buy them.


Dec 23, 2013
If you are set on the 7850, the link from JuX is fantastic. If you are considering other cards as well I'd ask two things:

What is your budget?
Do you care about features, and not just performance?

By features I mean things like Shadowplay, or potentially streaming to an nvidia shield (or hopefully other android devices in the future)? Nvidia is doing a lot of really cool stuff right now with their software that AMD isn't really keeping up on. However, if you just want a good middle grade card for performance, you'll find AMD has a lot to offer and you won't pay for features you won't use.

If you are interested in an Nvidia card, in the sub-200 price point, the 660 is about all that I could recommend, but it may perform a little better than the 7850 as well, for a few bucks more. Here are some benchmarks. Hope this helps!