gpu seating issues?


Dec 16, 2011
Everytime i clean my gtx 480 i have to spend literally hours seating and reseating the card. I have a cheap case that doesnt quite line everything up, but i just bend the steel away to make it fit.
From the looks of the pci pins its 100 percent seated in the front and the back, but about 25% through the pci pins they only appear to be 80% pushed in. And when you look at the card its flush with the slot, im referring to the pin openings in the lane of the slot.
My power cords are jammed in and appear to be clean.
Ive tried other pci slots and have never gotten those to work. Always 1 long 2 short beep. Odd because the other pci slots pins appear to be perfect if you look down the pci lane.
If you are thinking the mobo 1 long 2 short isnt video im sure it is. Because everytime i mess with the gpu long enough it works.

Im temped to file down the pcb board on the gtx480 just below the gold pins so im sure its jammed in there properly. Ive gone through this too many times now


Dec 16, 2011
If the video card is fried, does the mobo make a 1 long 2 beep? Or nothing as the bios in the card doesnt respond. Im hopong that the fact the mobo is beeping video error there is still a chance that the card is alive. Been working at this for hours... really dont know what to do


Dec 16, 2011
For my ami bios 1 long and 2 short has always been video error. And its been remedied in the past. But now im starting to think its the power supply because its not booting and the fans appear to be running slower than normal. Odd though because its a 750w psu in 2010 with only a i7 950 and a gtx 480 running...


Dec 16, 2011
Im starting to think it has more to do with the power supply. Does it have to do with overloading the rail? I really dont undersrand how psus work, is it possible to overload whatever wire is going to the gpu, but not overload everything else?
I guess k should mention that this problem started after overvolting the gpu. The gpu ran flawless when it was on and didnt even come close to overheating. But its preventing the boot i believe.
Clearing cmos wont work, i think the gpu bios was written on through the software